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UK Registered Charity 1117093
Company Number 5947088

Top photo: Stuart with Zhenya at the churches' league presentation

"God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast and when I run, I feel his pleasure."

Eric Liddell in Chariots of Fire


Ukraine has been independent since 1991. Ukraine is a co-host of the 2012 European Football championship. When Stuart visited Ukraine in 2008, he was impressed with the amount of football ministry taking place but also noted that none of the coaches were qualified. Verité Sport was able partner with Ambassadors in Sport and Bolton Wanderers (and with permission of the Football Association and the Football Federation of Ukraine) to offer a Level 1 coaching course to 20 Ukrainians in May 2009 to equip them for the ministry they are involved it. Verité Sport sponsored the publication of the book Born to Play in Ukrainian and What the book says about sport in Russian.

Summer Camp


New sports facility

Football camp

2011 visit

2008 visit

2009 Visit

Coaching course

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