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Photo: Enigma-Sports

If I had to choose between my wife and my putter... well, I’d miss her.

Gary Player

Psalm 42

My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God? Psalm 42:3

Writing on this Psalm, Mary Evans said: “I just love the fact that within Scripture all states of human feeling are described. Not just the positive ones”. It is a confirmation that if we are feeling down or struggling, we are not alone and we are not the first to feel that way. The Psalm seems to be saying “Hard day? I know exactly what you mean!” In fact in Psalm 42, the writer adds: “My soul is downcast within me”.

The good news is that the Psalmist does not leave us down in the dumps. He gives us an encouraging message too – “Put your hope in God” (v 5 and 11). Elsewhere in the Psalm he refers to God’s love (v 8), to prayer (v 8) and to praising God (5 and 11). He acknowledges that God is with him (v 8). He knows that despite everything He is “my Saviour and my God”.

This Psalm gives us a double encouragement. It tells us that it is OK to struggle and feel down. It also tells us that when we are down, God is not cross with us, he is right there with us.

So if you are struggling with injury, frustration, disappointment, feel that you have been unfairly treated – or if you have some other problem in life, it is OK to feel down. Just remember that God is with you, share the problem with God and pit your hope in Him.

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