"there has only ever been one perfect man, the Lord Jesus, and we killed him. I only missed a putt."
Psalm 150 again
Praise the Lord Psalm 150:1Psalm 150 is only six verses long. Read it all if you have time. It is only six verses but it tells us to praise God 11 times! It answers the: who, when, where, why and how of praising God.
We can praise God through music – the Psalm lists the trumpet, harp, tambourine and cymbals among others. We can praise God with singing and dancing.
We are to praise him in “the sanctuary” and “the heavens”. But praising God on the track, field and in the gym are just as good.
Praise involves the brain as well as the emotions. There are rational reasons to praise God. Verse 2 says “praise him for his acts of power and his surpassing greatness”.
Elaine Storkey wrote about this Psalm: “Praise can only be given by those who acknowledge there is a God to be praised and glimpse something of his majesty and love. When we are lifted beyond ourselves into an encounter with this living God, praise can spring from the very depth of our being”.
Today as you play, train, practise, sit in an office etc remember to praise the Lord. If you are struggling to find a reason to praise – read Psalm 150.