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If I had to choose between my wife and my putter... well, I’d miss her.

Gary Player

Psalm 126

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3

When times are hard – and 2020 has certainly been hard – it is good to reflect and to be thankful. Even simply things like being alive, being healthy and having enough money qualify as great things in 2021. So many in our Covid-dominated world cannot say that or are no longer here to say it.

Reflect on your year - and indeed your life – and list the great things God has done for you. If the first half of the verse is a reminder, the second half is a challenge – to react to what the LORD has done with joy. As we identify what the LORD has done for us, be thankful and joyful.

A short meditation this week so take the time to reflect and be joyfully thankful.

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