If I had to choose between my wife and my putter... well, I’d miss her.
Psalm 12
Help, LORD, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. Everyone lies to their neighbour; they flatter with their lips but harbour deception in their hearts. Psalm 12:1-2Do you ever think that the Psalmist’s description of his world applies to the world of sport? One of the biggest news stories in 2012 was the extent of drugs in cycling – “Everyone lies to their neighbour”. Several London 2012 medallists have lost their medals when they subsequently failed drug tests.
Players and clubs happily break contracts when they get a better offer. Athletes change countries for financial inducements – “those who are loyal have vanished from the human race”. And I don’t think for one moment that the world of sport is any worse than any other sphere.
The Psalmist goes on “depravity is honoured by the human race” (Verse 7). Then he calls on God to intervene on behalf of justice. The LORD replies: “I will now arise; I will protect them [the poor] from those who malign them.”
Why do people who do not honour God seem to succeed in life, is a question the Psalmists often ask. There is no clear answer. We can but trust in the God and in his ultimate justice.
At the same time we are to live our lives with the integrity that pleases God