"I jump into a sand pit for a living"
Hearts at rest
This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: if our hearts condemn us we know that God is greater than our hearts. 1 John 3:19-20John has an amazing ability to express so many different truths in just a few words! What a lovely and powerful way to express our identity: “we belong to the truth”. Not “a truth” but “the truth”. In a world where every opinion is as valid as every other one, it is so important that we recognize that the gospel is the ultimate truth. Remember the words of Jesus: “I am the truth”. No one else could say that! In an incredible way, when we say that we know the truth or belong to the truth, we are actually saying that we know and belong to Jesus!
I have spent much of the last 3 months having my heart investigated – so the idea of my heart being at rest in God’s presence, is quite a nice one! Of course as a Jew, John is not primarily thinking about the blood-pumping organ in my chest! The heart is the centre of the person, the emotions. So John is thinking about your entire being, your whole self, being at rest in God. And no matter what seems to trouble us within, we are reminded that God is greater than all it.
Attack the day – training, competition, whatever you have to do - as a person who belongs to the truth and whose heart is at rest in God.