“Knowing Christ is the best thing that has ever happened to me, although winning the US Open was a pretty good second.”
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42How do you grow in the Christian life – particularly if you have a lifestyle that requires you travel a lot and be away from your church? The same way as the early Christians.
The apostles’ teaching. It has never been easier to have access to God’s word. When I lead Bible Studies for athletes, some bring a Bible, others are reading from a tablet or phone. However you do it, keep in touch with God’s word.
Fellowship . Recently I was at the IPC World Athletics Championships in Doha. A group of us went a local church. We also had an athletes’ Bible study in the hotel. Athletes were supporting each other. Some download services from their home church as they travel.
Breaking of bread . Remember that the Lord’s Supper was often observed by the early church as part of meal. Having a meal together with a fellow-believer as you travel can be mutually encouraging.
Prayer . Keeping in touch with friends in a different time zone can be a challenge. The good news is that as we are out of our normal routine.