"God answers my prayers everywhere except on the golf-course."
How do you make decisions? How do you know what God’s will is? In Acts 19-20 we are told of Paul’s journey to Jerusalem. There are two separate statements about it:Paul decided to go to Jerusalem Acts 19:21 Compelled by the spirit I am going to Jerusalem 20:22
Are the two statements contradictory or are they part of a process? Is Paul actually saying the same thing twice but in different ways?
Of course it would help if we know the process that led to the six word statement in Acts 19:21. It would also help if we knew in which way the spirit “compelled” Paul.
Whitney Kiniholm has a nice phase when he commends taking time “to wait upon the Lord when facing an important decision [without] holding out for the writing on the wall”.
I like the expression “sanctified common sense”. God has given us brains and common sense. He expects us to make our own decisions. At the same time asking for wisdom and guidance can help us be in tune with His plan
So as you make decisions about your season or career, pray, seek God’s wisdom, follow Scriptural principles, but don’t wait for the writing on the wall!