"there has only ever been one perfect man, the Lord Jesus, and we killed him. I only missed a putt."
All for His glory
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31Remember that Corinthians is a letter that Paul is writing to the Corinthian church to answer some of their questions. We do not have their letter to Paul. One of their questions seems to have been about whether it was OK to eat certain foods which might have been associated with pagan worship practices.
Paul is careful in his answer not to take a particular side but to give the readers a principle: whatever you decide, do it for God’s glory.
That principle, in fact the second part of the verse: “whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” can help us in all aspects of our life. As you train, compete, interact with others, ask yourself the question – am I trying to do it all for the glory of God?
Last week I talked to two athletes about dealing with disappointment – not making the team, making the team and them not performing the way you can on the day that it matters most. Both talked about the need to accept what God had for them. One of them used the phase “It wasn’t my time”. The other spoke about accepting the outcome through prayer. Neither was “super-spiritual” about it. Both were desperately disappointed but as Christians had found a way to process the disappointment by seeing God’s glory as more important than their desires.
Whatever you have to do today, focus on doing it with the glory of God uppermost in your mind.